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Animal walks- bear, and crab walk

It is beneficial to do some "warming up" before we start practicing and enjoying our fine motor art activities.  This helps the big muscles in the body get ready for play and action.

These activities involve “weight-bearing” through the arms, to encourage these muscles to wake up and form a sturdy foundation for doing fine motor activities. Children enjoy these activities used in warm up and are then ready to focus on the fine motor art activities presented to them.

Bear Walk

Exercises in the Art Room or at Home

Finger Warm ups!

Finger Touch: Touch your thumb to each finger in sequence from the index to the little finger and then the reverse, first with eyes open and then with eyes closed. Repeat with the other hand and then with both hands together.  

Count 1 for index, 2 middle, 3ring, and 4 for pinky.  Students begin to touch without looking.





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